DOI: 10.54647/materials430274 26 Downloads 2447 Views
The physical, mechanical and tribological properties of cast multicomponent high-entropy boron-doped alloys obtained by vacuum-arc melting are studied. It was found that cast multicomponent high-entropy alloys doped with boron have a hardness of 20-30 GPа and a modulus of elasticity of 400-600 GPа. Alloying high-entropy alloys with a Borut lab6 mixture increases the hardness to 35-45 GPа and the modulus of elasticity to 700-780 GPа. The possibility of setting the coefficient of conversion of hardness to the yield strength knowing the elastic modulus of the material is shown.Alloying high-entropy alloys with boron significantly improves their heat resistance. Thus, the high-entropy tihfnbtamo alloy with the addition of 2% boron reduces the hardness from 13.0 GPа at 20 oC to 8.5 GPа at 900 oC.
Keywords: high-entropy alloys, boron, hardness, elastic modulus, elastic deformation, elastic limit, conversion coefficient, friction
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V. F. Gorban, M. O. Krapivka,
, SCIREA Journal of Materials.
Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2024 | PP. 13-21.
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