How to Derive Other Valid Generalized Syllogisms from the Generalized Syllogism MAI-4

Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2024     |     PP. 62-69      |     PDF (243 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 6, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720099    20 Downloads     2407 Views  


Zhaolong Yuan, School of Philosophy and Social Development, South China Normal University, China
Cheng Zhang, School of Marxism, Zhaoqing University, China

This paper first formalizes categorical propositions in syllogisms, then proves the validity of the generalized syllogism MAI-4, and then deduces other 15 valid generalized syllogisms from the syllogism MAI-4. In other words, there are reducible relationships between/among the 16 syllogisms. This study highlights the dialectical materialist idea that things are universally interconnected. This study not only provides inspiration for studying generalized syllogisms with other generalized quantifiers but also provides a research perspective for knowledge representation and knowledge reasoning.

generalized quantifiers; generalized syllogisms; validity; reducible relationship

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Zhaolong Yuan, Cheng Zhang, How to Derive Other Valid Generalized Syllogisms from the Generalized Syllogism MAI-4 , SCIREA Journal of Philosophy. Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2024 | PP. 62-69. 10.54647/philosophy720099


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