Assessing the Interrelationship Between Agility and Change of Direction in Elite Senior Soccer Players
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841352 27 Downloads 2140 Views
Introduction: Invasion team sports specifically feature a widely studied component – agility. Agility is crucial in team sports players when evading an opponent and orienting the body position. Numerous studies confirm that AG and CD are distinct qualities, yet others indicate otherwise. The qualities of AG and CD, which, though commonly considered independent, have been the subject of studies regarding their interdependence or codependence to establish criteria. Objective: This study aims to determine whether a difference exists between these qualities. Statistical analysis: A canonical correlation analysis (p<0.05) was employed to determine the relationship between both constructs (CD and Ag). Results: The results indicate a significant relationship between the constructs: Rc= 0.569, sig= 0.001, eigenvalue= 0.478, Wilks' statistic= 0.639, and R2c= 32.37%. Conclusion: a marked difference is revealed by employing the most recurrent tests in the literature to evaluate each construct.
sports performance, relationship, soccer, physical performance, tests
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Rafael Carvajal-Espinoza, Walter Salazar-Rojas,
Assessing the Interrelationship Between Agility and Change of Direction in Elite Senior Soccer Players
, SCIREA Journal of Sociology.
Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2024 | PP. 281-294.
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