Spotlight on the Nano-Structural Features of Mn-Doped-Aurivillius Phase For Catalysis Applications An AFM-Studies
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The aurivillius phase of optimum Mn-doped with chemical formula Bi2SrV1.9Mn0.1O9 was carefully prepared by solid state reaction technique and ceramics procedures. The analysis of X-ray confirmed the formation of single aurivillus layered perovskite structure. The sample well characterized and then forwarded to both of SEM and AFM-investigations to predict nano-structural feature and huge surface area topology which qualifies this family of aurivillus with high oxygen content ( O=9) to be active surface material in heterogeneous catalysis processes.
Manganese; Vanadium sites; Perovskite; Ceramic; X-ray; AFM; SEM
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Khaled M. Elsabawy,
Spotlight on the Nano-Structural Features of Mn-Doped-Aurivillius Phase For Catalysis Applications An AFM-Studies
, SCIREA Journal of Materials.
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 50-59.
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