Acupuncture treatment in patient with hyperthyroidism
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Hyperthyroidism is one of the most common thyroid disorders and the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, as the thyroid secretes excessive amount of the hormone thyroxine. In these patients, serum TSH is below the lower limit (often unmeasurable), and the free T4 and/or free T3 are elevated. Hyperthyroidism mostly occurs around the age of 30-40 and most of the patients are women. The treated patient is 34 year old woman, diagnosed with hyperthyroidism for 9 years. The patient was taking Tirozol for 8 years and Propranolol for 1 year. The doctors have suggested complete removal of the thyroid gland. Since the patient started with the acupuncture treatments, 20 treatments have been made in a period of 8 months and the results are showing normalized TSH levels, reduced structure of the lobes and the medicament therapy has been stopped. Acupuncture points used in the treatment are: DU14 (DaZhui), DU20 (BaiHui), LI4 (HeGu), ST9 (RenYing), GB20 (FengChi), BL15 (XinShu), BL20 (PiShu), BL23 (ShenShu), DU4 (MingMen), RN4 (QuanYuan), RN6 (QiHai), SP9 (YinLingQuan), SP6 (SanYinJiao), KI3 (TaiXi), ST36 (ZuSanLi), LR2 (TaiChong) and Ashi points located on the neck (front and back). The patient will continue with the treatments until the condition is totally stabilized and the condition will be followed-up in the coming period. Acupuncture as part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine can give very satisfying and long-term positive results in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.
traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, hyperthyroidism, treatment
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Blagica Arsovska, Jihe Zhu, Kristina Kozovska,
Acupuncture treatment in patient with hyperthyroidism
, SCIREA Journal of Medicine.
Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2019 | PP. 9-13.
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