Nanotechnolgical Investigations in to Ayurvedic Rasa-Shastra based medicines - Special reference to Mahayogaraj guggulu
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Ayurveda is the science made up of Ayush (life) and Veda (knowledge), leading to knowledge of life. It is common knowledge that in Indian subcontinent since 7th century A.D., ayurvedic system adopted a holistic approach towards health care by balancing the physical, mental and spiritual functions of the human body. Rasa-Shastra (vedic-chemistry) is one of the mainstay of Ayurveda, which deals with herbo-mineral/metals/non-metals preparations called Bhasmas. The Bhasmas have been accepted in Indian system since ages through Ayurveda or Siddha system of medicine. Bhasmas or such preparations are extremely fine powders coated with herbal extracts.
Arthritis; Evaluation; Tenderness; Chronicity
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Naveen K Navani, Rakesh Aggarwal,
Nanotechnolgical Investigations in to Ayurvedic Rasa-Shastra based medicines - Special reference to Mahayogaraj guggulu
, SCIREA Journal of Medicine.
Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2019 | PP. 14-16.
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