An extended RLS type algorithm based on a non-linear function of the error
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Over the last few years, extended recursive and kernelized algorithms were one of the most promising in terms of tracking signals of state-space models in non-stationary environments. In this work, we intend to propose an EX-RLS (Extended Recursive Least Squares) algorithm based on a non-linear sum function of the error. The simulations were made in the problem by tracking a non-linear Rayleigh fading multipath channel. The results showed that the proposed algorithm exhibits a superior signal tracking capability than the kernelized extended recursive type versions.
Recursive filter adaptive, ex-rnl algorithm, nonquadratic function, tracking, convergence rate
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L.F. Coelho Amaral, M. Vinicius Lopes, A. K. Barros,
An extended RLS type algorithm based on a non-linear function of the error
, SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2020 | PP. 136-140.
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