Exclusion of the Magnus Effect as a Mechanism for Shotgun Pellet Dispersion
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In this paper, it is shown that the Magnus effect cannot be a primary mechanism for the dispersion of shotgun pellets. The one-dimensional motion of objects through air, applied to shotgun pellets traveling a short distance, reveals that throughout the flight, the Reynold’s number is approximately constant. The distribution of pellets upon the target is demonstrated to be a phased-shifted Maxwellian distribution in lateral displacement space. The minimum Magnus frequencies required to create a typical pellet distribution pattern are ascertained, and are well in excess of the frequencies that could reasonably be achieved by pellets exiting a smooth bore shotgun.
Magnus effect, Shotgun pellets, one-dimensional air resistance, Maxwellian distribution
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Jeffrey S. Lee, Gerald B. Cleaver,
Exclusion of the Magnus Effect as a Mechanism for Shotgun Pellet Dispersion
, SCIREA Journal of Physics.
Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2017 | PP. 9-20.
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