Human development in Ukraine: assessment and policy of provision in mobile society
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The article draws attention to the peculiarities of mutual influence of human development processes, development of human potential and population mobility. International ratings of Ukraine were assessed in terms of human development indicators since independence. The relationship between human development index, GDP per capita and Gini coefficient was analyzed in Ukraine and some countries of the world. The difference in indicators of Ukraine and countries which are strategic recipients of its human potential was accented on. The results of the analysis provided an opportunity to substantiate the relevance of formation and implementation of human development policy. The purpose, objectives and tasks of human development policy, which are relevant for Ukraine and other countries with high level of population mobility were defined.
Mobility, human development, human potential, human development policy, human development index, Ukrainian society
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Bil Mariana, Stepura Tetiana,
Human development in Ukraine: assessment and policy of provision in mobile society
, SCIREA Journal of Economics.
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2018 | PP. 19-31.
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