Viscosity of CNT Loaded Epoxy Resin
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The processing of fibre reinforced carbon nanotube (CNT) loaded polymer composites (nanocomposites) requires that CNTs be mixed (or loaded) into the polymer prior to impregnating the fibres to fabricate a nanocomposite. The fabrication process uses vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM), which is complicated due to the increase in viscosity of CNT loaded resin. The goal of this paper is to experimentally characterize the viscosity of a CNT loaded epoxy resin, with different weight percentages and shear rates. The maximum viscosities measured for the samples were: 800 cP for 0.2 %wt., 750 cP for 0.4%wt., and 890 cP for 0.6 %wt. All samples exhibited shear thinning behaviour as the viscosity decreased with increased shear rates.
Carbon Nanotubes, viscosity, epoxy
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Hector Estrada, Luke S. Lee, Jonathan Trovillion, Maciej Tusz, Ashok Kumar, and Larry D. Stephenson,
Viscosity of CNT Loaded Epoxy Resin
, SCIREA Journal of Materials.
Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2018 | PP. 1-9.
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