Transformation of the Davenport Diagram to a Computerized Artificial Neural Network
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The Davenport diagram, which illustrates the interactions of pH, bicarbonate and pCO2 as related to respiratory/metabolic phases of acidosis/alkalosis was transformed into a computerized neural network. This transformation enables computer-assisted prediction of acidosis/alkalosis subtypes on the basis of any two factors from pH, bicarbonate and pCO2. Furthermore, this neural network can eventually be trained to predict changes in acid-base balance on the basis of additional factors; illustrating the utility of neural network analysis as a dynamic predictive tool in healthcare.
Davenport diagram, neural network, nomogram, acidosis, alkalosis
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Timothy J Smith, RPh, PhD,
Transformation of the Davenport Diagram to a Computerized Artificial Neural Network
, SCIREA Journal of Medicine.
Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2018 | PP. 1-7.
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