Performance Evaluation of a Cûk Converter in DC/DC Conversion System and Performance Improvement by Stage Cascading Technique
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Normally the Cûk converter is used as DC/DC converter that has two types of output voltages in magnitude that is; the output is either greater than or less than the input voltage magnitude. The basic construction of a Cûk converter is essentially a boost converter followed by a buck converter coupled by a capacitor. Unlike buck-boost converter the energy delivered by a Cûk converter is stable, easily attainable to the desired level and energy efficient. In this paper, the performance of a Cûk converter is investigated and shown that the performance can be significantly improved by two or more stage cascading.
Cûk converter, Cascading, Buck-boost, MOSFET etc.
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M Mahbubur Rahman, Abdullah Al Masud,
Performance Evaluation of a Cûk Converter in DC/DC Conversion System and Performance Improvement by Stage Cascading Technique
, SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2019 | PP. 1-9.
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