DOI: 10.54647/sociology84743 76 Downloads 6499 Views
Thing. Assessing the impact of income on life satisfaction, the level of happiness.Goals. Based on scientific research, analyze the impact of money on life satisfaction and identify the economic determinants of relative well-being.Methodology. The methods of the scientific and information base, the synthesis of the obtained data were used. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the happiness of society and individuals and how income affects the well-being of a person.Results. In the Russian Federation, the problem of socio-economic inequality is on the face, and every year this situation worsens. In Russia, the huge stratification and unattainable difference in income between the poorest 10% and the richest 10% is 18 times, while in Moscow it exceeds 25 times. According to the results of the first half of 2021, the share of Russians with incomes below the subsistence level amounted to 13.1% of the total population, or 19.1 million people. In Russia, 85% of families with children experience financial difficulties and are classified as poor. A whole generation of children in poor families is growing in the country, and in adulthood they will endure all the mental problems of their parents. In the country, only 46% of Russians are satisfied with their financial situation. 72% of respondents said that they are not satisfied with their income, would like a higher salary, and only 11% said that their salary provides them with a decent life.Conclusions and significance. The country's economy should be socially oriented, enterprises and businesses should ensure not only for themselves the receipt of super profits and super enrichment, but also take into account the interests of employees, creating decent wages for them. A high salary is the engine of economic growth and increases the level of happiness of people. Only under such conditions will the economy grow, providing a decent life for people. A person feels comfortable and feels a high level of happiness if he is financially independent. The country needs a step-by-step program to increase the income of citizens, which will increase the level of happiness.
happiness, money, poor, rich, material satisfaction, level of happiness
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Николай Иванович Куликов, Екатерина Сергеевна ВДОВИНА, Вера Николаевн ШУСТОВА,
, SCIREA Journal of Sociology.
Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 64-82.
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