Simulation Models of Modified Multiple Vacation Policy for Multi-Server Queuing Systems
DOI: 10.54647/isss12197 77 Downloads 7436 Views
We consider a multi-server vacation queueing system that operates in the modified multiple vacation policy related to the number of busy servers. The condition for the transition to vacation mode at the time of the release of the server is the lack of customers in the queue and the implementation of one of the restrictions on the number of servers currently in use by customers (CU-condition): CU
queueing system, vacations, modified multiple vacation policy, simulation model, GPSS World
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Zhernovyi Yuriy,
Simulation Models of Modified Multiple Vacation Policy for Multi-Server Queuing Systems
, SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science.
Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 62-88.
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