The Excitation Performance Analysis of Transformer Made by Different Core Material Under DC Magnetic Bias
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The DC magnetic bias can affect the normal production and operation of the transformer. In this paper, by means of the finite element simulation software to simulate the excitation current fluctuations phenomenon of the three-phase transformer after adding DC magnetic bias, and by comparing the excitation current fluctuations of transformer made by different grades of electrical steel materials to analysis the influence factors of electrical steel materials on DC magnetic bias of transformer.
DC magnetic bias;excitation current; Transformer;Electrical steel
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Li Guanglin, Malin, Wang Yuhao, Si Liangying, Wang Xianhui, Wang Fuxing,
The Excitation Performance Analysis of Transformer Made by Different Core Material Under DC Magnetic Bias
, SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 29-38.
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