Impact of Scholarships and Academic/Career Development Activities on the Success of Undergraduate Students
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A program funded by the United States National Science Foundation (NSF) to support student scholarships for undergraduate engineering/computer science students was conducted at the University of New Mexico. The scholarship program involved elements such as faculty mentoring, career development activities and financial support for each student scholar. In this paper, the program details are furnished, and data on the positive impacts of such activities on student academic success is presented. The myriad of activities covered by the program was positively received by the student scholars.
scholarships, undergraduate students, mentoring, career development activities
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Elsa M. Castillo, Joel Robinson, Kristine Denman, Anyssa Choy, Tariq Khraishi,
Impact of Scholarships and Academic/Career Development Activities on the Success of Undergraduate Students
, SCIREA Journal of Education.
Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020 | PP. 18-38.
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